Q & A - Tarot Style


When it comes to tarot, a lot of things can pique curiosity. I asked you what was on your mind, what questions you have when it comes to tarot reading. Fifteen excellent questions were asked, and I hope that in answering them, I can help demystify things a bit and increase your interest in tarot! Here we go!

#1: Is tarot some kind of religious thing?

This is a bit of a loaded question. Is tarot religious? Yes, it can be, but it doesn't have to be. Whatever higher power you believe in, whatever you call it/him/her, is what you are connecting with during a reading. Spirit, God, Goddess, Higher Self...call it what you will. Your religion, or lack thereof, may have particular beliefs when it comes to the practice of tarot, and that potential "judgment," to me, is the only time the fact of religion comes to the forefront. Make the choices that are right for you and honor that.

#2: Is tarot dangerous or evil?

Tarot cards have been given a bad reputation when it comes to mainstream media. Someone reading cards is almost always depicted as the weirdo, the satanist, the goth, or the hippie flake. It's caused so many to be skeptical, thinking it's a show. Tarot is only as dangerous or evil as the person holding the cards, plain and simple.

#3: Do you need to have psychic abilities to read tarot?

While psychic abilities will undoubtedly help make a tarot reader connect on a much deeper level, you don't have to have psychic abilities to start reading. I, personally, am empathic, and have high levels of clairsentience and claircognizance. Reading tarot has helped me develop and grow these skills even more.

#4: Do you consider yourself a witch?

No, I'm not a witch, nor am I Pagan, Wicca, or Wiccan. I do know a lot of really amazing people who are. These are religions that, like many others, get stigmatized and scrutinized with little understanding of what it truly is all about. These people have incredible energy, deep love, and connection with nature, and are some of the most accepting people I've ever known. I think labels are terrible, sticky things that need to be done away with. Instead, follow what's in your heart, and don't worry about what you're categorized as.

#5: Is there only one way to read tarot?

Nope! Some people have very regimented ways that they prepare, read, and conclude their tarot session. Others grab a deck and throw cards as quickly as they stumble upon questions they need to be answered. Some prefer complex spreads, and others keep it straight forward, reading one card draws. As long as you take a little time to connect, honor your intentions, and let the cards you draw resonate with you, you can't go wrong!

#6: Do the cards all have predetermined meanings?

There is no denying that the cards have well-established meanings, with symbols and arrangements that have great significance. BUT...the beauty of connecting with the cards you read is that you start to intuit deeper meanings. They tell a story, and stories impact and influence us all differently. Keep in mind the traditional explanations, but also see what the story tells you!

#7: How do you remember all those card meanings?

Just like anything else you love, you learn it as best you can! Practice, practice, practice! I've got a sizeable collection of tarot books that cover everything from interpretations, to history, to the psychology of it all. I also listen to podcasts (The Tarot Lady is the sh*t!) as much as possible to keep learning on the go. It takes time and patience to learn, but I am the one who loves to continue to study. I'll always have my nose in a book, and my phone going to have some more knowledge dropped on me!

#8: Do you have to have training to start doing tarot?

You don't need to have any formal training, psychic ability, or belong to a particular group or religious faction. You need an open mind, a deck, at least one good book, and a willingness to learn. That's it! Without a doubt, the more you practice and study, the more natural and effortless things will feel.

#9: Can I buy my first tarot deck or does it have to be given to me?

Who doesn't love a thoughtful gift? I mean, if someone is willing to buy you a deck, that is fantastic! DO THAT! But you 100% don't need to wait around for that to happen. Having a deck given to you doesn't bestow it with any more magical powers or abilities than the one you buy for yourself. But seriously though...if you encounter the deck fairy, send her my way. Yeah?

#10: Do you have to keep the deck wrapped in silk?

Silk is lovely, but that whole thing really gets played up. Wrapping in silk or velvet is just a way to protect your cards and make them look pretty. I've got decks stored in the original boxes and tins, in custom made tarot bags (Etsy is a goldmine for them), leather pouches, Ipsy bags, and a beautiful carved wooden box. Do whatever fits your esthetic! As long as it protects the cards from any damage that may occur, you're all good!

#11: Who is allowed to touch the tarot cards?

That's a personal preference. It's kind of like how some people are really touchy-feely, huggy types of people. And others really need their personal space and think PDA is cringy. I'm somewhere in-between. I don't let just anybody handle my decks, but if the vibe is right, I don't mind it at all.

#12: Why are there so many kinds of decks? Aren't they all the same?

There are different types of deck classifications, such as Rider-Waite-Smith, Lenormand, Thoth, Oracle, and more. Within each of these is a variety of interpretations of those classically established decks. Authors take inspiration from them and create new decks, their partnered artists giving life to those visions. These decks are works of art, and their guidebooks are magnificent adventures for you to go on. So no, they are not all exactly the same, and the more, the merrier! I adore stories, and I can't wait to experience each one I can!

#13: What does it feel like when you are reading the cards?

I do my very best to make a connection with the person I'm reading for. To get a sense of their energy and their state of mind. Putting myself in their shoes, so to speak. I then focus on the intention of the question they have. I'm a very problem solving, logical type of person, and I think that feeds into my reading style quite a bit. I try to explain how the card in question impacts their life, be it positive, negative, or passive. Once the cards are laid out, there is a flow that happens, connecting the storyline together with them. It's an awesome thing to experience with someone!

#14: What does it feel like when you give a good, accurate reading for someone?

I love reading, and it's such an incredible feeling to know that the experience I've shared with someone has made a difference to them. Knowing that my message has resonated with the person I'm reading for is what it's all about. I want to give as much comfort and guidance to others as I can.

#15: Can tarot readings offer life guidance/suggestions?

Tarot, without a doubt, has changed my life for the better. It has been a way to help me work through my anxiety, allowing me to find a sense of peace that I never had before. I believe that reading is a perfect way to help someone gain perspective on things, discover new outlooks, and identify potential complications that may exist. Give it a try! It's such an enlightening experience!

If you made it to the end of this Q & A, you rock! Thank you for your curiosity and your interest in the practice of tarot. If you ever have any other questions that pop up in your mind, reach out to me. I'd love to help you learn more! To those who submitted questions, I thank you for your support, and I hope that this clarifies things for you. I'm so grateful I've got people like you around!


And So, It Begins...