

There is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts. As a grade type A, bonafide over-analyzer, in the past I’ve logged a lot of hours catastrophizing the most innocuous things.

Did I just say “love you too” before I hung up? I mean, my co-worker is awesome, but not THAT awesome. Crap. Now I’ve gotta change jobs. WHY AM I SO DAMN AWKWARD?! This will only haunt me a decade or two.

How have I learned to help rein in this rush of negativity? Through tarot.

But, hey, I’m getting ahead of myself! This is an “About Me” page so I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Tina. They say age ain’t nothin’ but a number, so let’s just leave it at the fact that I was rockin’ stirrup pants, scrunchies, and mall bangs in my formative years. I live in a quiet little farm town in northwest Ohio that is best referenced as “somewhere between Cedar Point and Toledo.” 

I found a guy who’s been dealing with me since high school, and he thought I was charming enough to settle down with. *SWOON* Together we have one amazing teenage daughter, three semi-amazing dogs, a few quasi-amazing cats, an assortment of small animals in the reptile, amphibian, and mammal families. Life in our house in the woods isn’t at all ordinary, but it is perfect for us.

I work a 9 to 5 job in public safety that doesn’t quite guarantee the 9 to 5 time frame, ever. I have been doing it for over 16 years, and I love it. I also am part of a search and rescue team, working as a flanker and as a human remains detection dog trainer/handler. When I’m not working, I like to find ways to de-stress. It could be anything, like spending time with our unofficial petting zoo, reading any book I can get my hands on, target archery with my family, or shuffling cards.

The shuffle leads to the good stuff: tarot and oracle reading. This practice has brought me so much peace of mind. The way that cards lay out to me is like reading a truly magical book. I feel that tarot and oracle work can help us tell our own story, bringing emotion and energy to life hidden in chapters we have yet to discover. Once you find yourself immersed in the tarot story, you find a sense of confidence and reassurance you never knew.

PLOT TWIST: I’ve signed a contract with Llewellyn Worldwide Publishing and my very first tarot deck and guidebook will be coming to life soon! Visit my News page for the latest details.

So, now I ask you, what’s on your mind? Are there any nervous butterflies fluttering around deep inside you? Let me help you find a little perspective on things and enjoy the peace of mind that tarot can bring to you!