
What you should know before you book…

Here are a few nuggets of information that you may find valuable to know prior to booking a tarot reading. I’ll make them as concise as possible, but please take time to review them. (No worries. There won’t be a test!)

  • Tarot: a deck devised of 78 cards that comes in many artistic themes but the structure remains (mostly) unchanged.

  • Oracle: a deck that varies in the number of cards, coming in many artistic themes,  and usually focuses on messages of spiritual guidance.

  • My readings are meant to help guide you, provide reassurance and clarity.

  • My readings are not meant to “predict the future”, talk with the departed, and cannot offer you an ironclad guarantee of things to come. YOU are still in control of your life and the choices you make shape that life.  Readings, however, may help guide you to make better choices.

  • I respect all religious beliefs. I do not make any assumptions about what you believe in, so please don’t make assumptions about my beliefs. (You might be surprised!)

  • The reading goes much better if we communicate with one another well. I’m not here to judge. I am here to help. Always remember that.

  • I keep my readings in the highest confidence. I will never share anything that comes up during a reading. If you choose to share your experience, that is a personal choice.

  • Parts of the reading may not make sense right away and that is to be expected. Please don’t automatically discredit any information if it doesn’t cause an immediate “AH HA!” moment for you. It will make sense when you are supposed to understand that message and need it most.

  • Sometimes the readings answer questions we didn’t ask. That is the way it goes! If there is a more important message that spirit feels you need to know, it isn’t shy about telling it like it is.

  • Last, but certainly not least: if you come into a reading skeptical or with a closed mind, with intentions to test or trick me, or otherwise discredit me, you are wasting both our time and your own money.  Plus, bad karma bro. Let’s just not, huh?


    By booking this reading you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

  • The reading is for the amount of time and spread designated at the time of purchase. Questions asked to help clarify the cards drawn during the reading may be asked, within reason. Additional questions or clarification needed may require an additional reading, in which applicable charges will apply.

  • Rates are set by the reader and are not negotiable.

  • As the reader, Tina has the right to refuse to read for a person - the first time or any time. This could be because of a person’s attitude toward the reading, state of mind, impaired status, or any other reason she does not see this as being an ideal time/situation for the reading for either or both parties.

  • Rescheduling/Cancellations: If there is a conflict with the appointment scheduled, please give a courtesy 24-hour notification. If you fail to provide 24-hour notice of your cancellation, you will not receive any kind of refund and will need to set up another reading appointment at full price. Exceptions will be made in the event of an emergency.  You will be rescheduled, if you wish, at the earliest mutually convenient time.

  • Refunds: refunds will only be issued in the event that a person cancels within the 24-hour window and no longer wishes to have a reading done. There are no other situations in which refunds will be issued. You are entitled to disagree about what the cards have to tell you, but your opinion, not your cash, is all you will walk away with.