So you want to get a reading, but you aren’t really sure what that means. When it’s over, how are you supposed to remember what cards you got? And what did that one thing mean again? That seemed like it was important…ummm…dang.


To try to help make your experience a memorable one, and one that you will hopefully share with family and friends, each type of reading with True Arrow Tarot is broken down below.

Email Reading

Email readings will include:

  • Consultation on Crafting Questions

  • Full-Color Photos of the Cards

  • Word Document of Reading Interpretation

Phone Reading

Phone readings will include:

  • Consultation on Crafting Questions

  • Full-Color Photos of the Cards

  • MP3 Recording of Phone Call

Skype/Zoom/Video Call Reading

Video call readings will include:

  • Consultation on Crafting Questions

  • Full-Color Photo of the Cards

  • Recording of the Video Reading (if available)

In Person or

Event Reading

In Person or Event readings will include:

  • Consultation on Crafting Questions

  • Full-Color Photos of the Cards

  • MP3 Recording of Reading